Since the founding of G&G Armament in 1986, we’ve always strived to give back to the community who helped us grow to be one of the biggest global manufacturers. Every year we have several contests and promotions for our customers to win replicas and/or cash prizes. We get thousands of submissions every year from all around the world with the hopes that they’re the lucky winner.
Lucky Draw Contest
Often, new customers miss their chance to enter because they don’t know that there is a secret code on their gun tag. Every brand new AEG comes with a gun tag located on the trigger guard. It’s two-sided, with one side showing the G&G logo and the other side with a hidden code you have to scratch off. Once the code is revealed, you can go on our website to enter the code for a chance to win a free AEG. Our lucky draw contest is open to everyone across the world. We hold monthly drawings and your entry is good for up to one year from the date of submission. You can visit our YouTube channel where we announce the winner. Also, periodically check your junk/spam email to make sure our email didn’t sorted into one of those folders.
Show Yourself Photography Contest
Every year we look for the best photographers in the airsoft community and highlight their artistic expression through our Show Yourself Photo Contest. This year we have 5 categories that both players and teams can submit their photos for. The gold prize winner will win any 3 replicas from the pre-selected models. The silver prize winner will win any two replicas from the pre-selected the models. The bronze prize winner will win one replica from the pre-selected models. The creative prize winner will win $1,000 USD. Lastly, the selected and special prize winner will win a GC16 Predator Battleship Grey AEG.
The pre-selected model for gold, silver and bronze prize winner are EBR-S/EBR-L, G980 GAS/CO2, G980 SE, GM1903 A3/A4, M1 GARAND, GC16 PREDATOR, GC16 SRS/L/XL, RK74-T, RK74-E, RK74-CQB, ARP9, SMC9, CM16 LMG STEALTH, ARP556/V2S, PCC45, TR16 MBR 308SR/WH/M-LOK, TR16 MBR 556WH, TR16 SBR308 MKI/MKII, BAMF TEAM.
For the complete terms and conditions for our 2021 Show Yourself Contest, please visit our website for all the information. The deadline for the Show Yourself Contest is September 9, 2021.
Your Greatest Glory Video Contest
Our annual Greatest Glory Video Contest is targeted for aspiring content creators. There are 4 different type of video categories you can submit your video for. The Best G&G Commercial Award winner will win $10,000 USD cash prize, round-trip ticket flight in economy class to Nurnberg, Germany and one night stay at a hotel booked by G&G Armament. The best video award winner will receive a $5,000 USD cash prize. The best creative video award winner will receive a $5,000 USD cash prize. The nominated masterpiece winners (7 winners) will receive 6 replicas from the pre-selected models.
The pre-selected models for the 7 winners of the nominated masterpiece award are EBR-S/EBR-L, G980 GAS/CO2, G980 SE, GM1903 A3/A4, M1 GARAND, GC16 PREDATOR, GC16 SRS/L/XL, RK74-T, RK74-E, RK74-CQB, ARP9, SMC9, CM16 LMG STEALTH, ARP556/V2S, PCC45, TR16 MBR 308SR/WH/M-LOK, TR16 MBR 556WH, TR16 SBR308 MKI/MKII, BAMF TEAM.
For the complete terms and conditions for our 2021 Your Greatest Glory Video Contest, please visit our website for all the information. The deadline for the Greatest Glory Video Contest is November 11, 2021.
World Cup Shooting Competition
Every sport has a championship game or event where top athletes come together to compete against one another to be crown the best in the world. We wanted to elevate the sport of airsoft and create an event that players from around the world would talk about. In 2014, we hosted pre-qualifiers around the world for 2-man teams to compete in the 2015 World Cup Shooting Competition. We had over 14 countries and 20 teams participate the first year. The 2015 World Cup Shooting Competition was held in Taipei, Taiwan and it was a 3-day long event where airsofters were challenged in their skill and speed.
Since 2015, we’ve had 2 more World Cup Shooting Competitions. The last one being in 2019 where Japan won the championship. The Netherlands placed 2nd and Czech Republic placed in 3rd. In 2019, we gave away more than $20,000 USD in cash prizes to the winners. The overall 1st team winner won $10,000 USD, 2nd team won $5,000 USD and 3rd team won $2,000 USD. We had our first ever women’s division and the winner took home a cash prize of $3,000 USD.
Unfortunately, due to the severe and prolonged impacts of COVID-19 pandemic on the global community, we had to postpone our 2021 World Cup Shooting Competition until next year in 2022. We will be closely monitoring the situation in conjunction with advice and directives from the Taiwanese government and health authorizes over the next few months. Given the ongoing international travel restrictions and lockdowns, it is difficult to organize and promote a successful World Cup Shooting Competition.
To stay updated with the most current news for the 2022 World Cup Competition, you can visit our website for more information. We have all the previous World Cup Shooting Competition photos and videos on our website in case you want to start training for when your country hosts qualifiers next year.
We’re proud to bring unique promotions to the global airsoft community no other manufacturer does. We hope you take advantage of these free to enter promotions the next time you have an opportunity. You never know when you will be the lucky winner!