lion claws
September 27, 2022 187
Taking place at the former site of the Nevada State Prison, Operation Lion Claws held Operation Castle II. Read more for exciting details about this event!
August 11, 2022 308
Camp Pendleton has once again opened its doors for a special event. Read more to find out about 2022's OP Devil Dog.
June 27, 2022 428
Memorial Day Weekend marked the 21st Operation Lion Claws. Read more for details on this exciting event!
February 17, 2022 304
Specially selected teams begin their approach to an aircraft resting ground. Very few can say they have laid eyes upon this sight. Fewer can say they have walked the grounds. Only a handful can say they had the pleasure of gearing up and assaulting a 747 or breaching a C130. Read more to learn about this unique experience hosted by the organizers from Operation Lion Claws Military Simulation Series!
September 21, 2021 233
Lion Claws held Operation Castle, an event in which G&G Armament both sponsored and participated in with our experienced players, in Carson City, NV on Sept 9-11th. Players had an opportunity to play in an unique environment—a decommissioned prison. Although the prison cells were decommissioned, players were still inside an active prison complex which meant that attendees had to be mindful of their surroundings.
The game's premise was that Cartel's Sicario squads have infiltrated the prison compound where the infamous drug lord, Verduga, was being held. Armed and ready to regain their grounds, Tactical Assault Teams (TAT) must push their ways back into what was once theirs.
Scenario 1
Sicarios must attempt to occupy as many pods as possible in addition to holding role-player "guards" hostage while searching for the "Drug Lord." One Squad of six players as guards are in the yard and need to attempt to fend off the initial advance by Sicarios.
July 09, 2021 459
What is Mil-SIM?
Read more to familiarize yourself with Mil-SIM and hosted events that will greatly enhance your Airsoft experience.